Slavery Alive and Well: We are All Debt-Slaves

I was reading an article about the recent Dallas police shootings in response to the recent shootings of Alton Sterling and such.  The police abuse of power is out of control, no doubt. Especially with regard to treatment of blacks. It’s terrible and I’m not sure how to go about fixing it. The racial issues in this country are so deep that it may never be fully fixed.
However, this issue is but a symptom of a much more widespread and insidious problem that we face: the global debt enslavement. People think slavery is in the past and no longer relevant. In fact it’s just as common today as it was 200 years ago, and has actually increased its reach to encompass much more than the color of one’s skin. Today, the vast majority of us are slaves to the global monetary system, mainly via banks and the Federal Reserve. It does not care what color your skin is. It does not care where you were born or where you are from. It does not discriminate on age, race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Debt only discriminates on the numbers in your bank account, your FICO score, your credit score. No, today’s enslavement is much more ubiquitous than that of the 19th century.
Only today’s debt-enslavement is sneakier. More evil. It’s invisible, and worse, there are fewer physical signs to detect it. Today’s global slavery has exchanged shackles for personal finances. It’s subtlety and persistence is its power. At least if we were all trapped behind physical bars, we could acknowledge our situation and plot to escape imprisonment. But debt enslavement works so well because most people have no idea how entrapped they are. Indeed, it’s hard to tunnel out of a prison cell if you do not even realize you’re living in one.
If we fix the much wider issue of global slavery via debt, then we can begin to address issues of past racial enslavement and other social issues.  Until then, it is akin to cutting your garden weeds rather than pulling them up fully from the root; racial issues of inequality will continue to “grow back”.  However, if we work together and address the banks as our common foe, racial inequality stands a much better chance of being addressed and fixed.  But to get there we need to address the fundamental issues wrong with our global economical state of enslavement.  We are all in this fight together.  I would make the argument that this issue is at the core of what we ought to be concerned with in our lifetime, and in our every day lives.  For it is nothing short of our very innate right to freedom and value as a human being that is at stake.  As a great man once said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

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